Friday, September 11, 2009

Mea gets 2 blog posts... she must be special!!

Well are right on! Geez, your hairdresser must educate her clients... Mea has a long face, which is great for just about anything. However Polygamist length hair is a no no. Longer hair elongates the facial structure. So, Mea my dear who I love and miss deeply... Short hair would be soo cute on you. I'm not talking an A-line bob (long in the front , shorter in the back) I am talking short. We never did that. You got to be brave! I hate to post a pic of Victoria Beckham, but her hair in this pic is exactly what you should go for. I love the color for your skin tone. the texture in this cut is amazing. It can be achieved by thinning texturizing shears or a texture razor. Now if your hairdresser tells you she doesn't know how to texturize..? RUN! How cute would you be with this style wearing cute headbands? Love it.. please try it.. send pics. we all want to see!!! P.S. If Mrs. Beckham is reading my blog, I have one favor..."Can you please share your husband?" He's a hottie!!


  1. Ahhh! That's scary! I would have to find a really good hairdresser and pay a lot of money to trust someone to cut my hair that short. When are you coming?? :) I will think about it. Really, I will. Thx Bre. Love ya!

  2. always grows back! bre cut me 1 inch all the way around when she was in hair it =)
