Wednesday, September 2, 2009

FREE HAIR+SISTER=whatever I want to do!

These two gals are actually my younger sisters. WHEN YOU GET FREE HAIR, you have NO SAY! But they love it. The hair consultation is no talking and all in my head. They get to find out after the service. It's a good darn thing I'm good at what I do! I'm not sure they would come back even if it was free if the hair sucked! In this picture Taylor on the left, is in college at BYU. She came home from college with shoulder length red copper hair, hmmm changed that up a bit, after like 9 hours! LOVE IT, she loves being platinum, she just wishes I was with her in Utah to fix it! Davis, on the right is a natural level 4. (Based on a scale from 1-10, 10 being the lightest hair color and 1 being the darkest) is now the copper blonde with bangs. If I had a dollar for every time she gets stopped I'd be a millionaire!!! Everyone wants her hair. PS NO MATTER HOW MUCH I TRY TO DAMAGE for body.. she tells me too, it's still freaking shiny and silky! Amen to good genes. FAB Hair LADIES. Kudos to your hair dresser, now only if I can screw my head off and do my own hair!


  1. I miss you Bre... wish my color left so you could have colored my hair. I hope that you are still doing great!

  2. Cute blog Bre! You are so good at color! Remeber in beauty school I trusted you to cut my hair over an instructor lol. What color lines do you like the best?

  3. So breezy your sisters look great! I love the idea.
