Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Baby Story

Im working my booty off today and I'm with my second to last client..she say's,"My daughter was picked to be on the baby story for TLC." Ok, how cool is that?? Until she told me her daughters actual birth and crotch will be on Nat'l TV. WOW a brave soul! So, they white out her you know what, but still.. I'm not ready for that. However, her mom will be interviewed and will be part of the once again my hair will be on Nat'l TV. Im excited. She has cute short hair and the color is great. I will find out when it airs and we can see the baby story.. starring my client and her daughter. Ok kinda gross, but when you watch attention to the hair on my clients have a great night everyone


  1. How awesome is that! You are the greatest!

  2. By the way...I think I know who you are talking about here!! The daughter is a friend of mine from high school!! Crazy huh!! You must do everyone's hair that I know (at least those who have awesome hair)! P.S. **Note to Readers** If she's not already and you live in the Orlando area, hell if you live in the central florida area, make BRE your HAIRSTYLIST!! She is amazing and you will LOVE LOVE LOVE your hair! I drive almost an hour to get mine done!
