Monday, October 12, 2009


Hey Bre,

So I am currently experiencing something I haven't had to deal with in a while... static. What is the best way to control it? Today's high was about 42 and it is currently 39... burr. It is only October... yikes, can't imagine what the Winter will bring me.


Hola Rhonda,
Miss ya here in the 95+ degree weather...the best thing you can do for static electricity is to use a dryer sheet. The kind you would use in your dryer for your clothes. Rub it softly on top of your hair and you won't believe it!! It really works. It will also make your hair smell good. I am jealous of your cool weather, I am really tired of sweating my butt off here in sunny Florida. Try the dryer sheet and return and report for all my followers! xoxo, bre

1 comment:

  1. The dryer sheet worked great but also the "skinny" product has worked too. I also wanted to let you know that my bff is a dental hygienist and uses a dryer sheet before she sees her first patient. I thought that was pretty funny. Well have a great holiday season. I can't wait!

